> 文章列表 > 春节之前要做哪些事情英文





Before the Spring Festival, there are several important things to do.

Firstly, it is essential to clean the flat thoroughly to welcome the upcoming new year. This tradition of cleaning, known as \"大扫除\" (da sao chu) in Chinese, is believed to remove bad luck and make room for good fortune.

Secondly, decorating the flat with festive elements is a must. Typical decorations include red lanterns, couplets, and paper-cuttings. These colorful and vibrant ornaments symbolize wealth, luck, and happiness, creating a joyful atmosphere for the celebration.

Thirdly, stocking up on enough food and drinks is crucial. Traditional Chinese dishes, such as dumplings, fish, and rice cakes, are indispensable for the Spring Festival feast. It is believed that these foods bring good luck and symbolize reunion.

In addition, it is important to prepare red packets, also known as \"红包\" (hong bao), which contain money and are given as gifts to children and unmarried adults during the Spring Festival. This tradition is a symbol of good wishes and blessings for the recipient\'s happiness and prosperity.

Lastly, buying new clothes is considered auspicious for the new year. Wearing new clothes not only represents a fresh start but also brings good luck and fortune throughout the year.


Last winter break, I had a memorable time celebrating the Spring Festival with my family. Let me share with you how we prepared for the festival and the activities we enjoyed during this festive season.

Before the Spring Festival, we made sure to complete all the necessary preparations. This included cleaning the house thoroughly, as it is believed to be a way of sweeping away the old and welcoming new beginnings. We also spent time decorating our home with beautiful red lanterns, couplets, and paper-cuttings enhancing the festive atmosphere.

During the Spring Festival, we participated in various activities. One of the highlights was the family reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve. We gathered around the dining table, enjoying a sumptuous feast that included traditional dishes like dumplings, fish, and glutinous rice balls. This special meal symbolizes unity and the hope for a prosperous year ahead.

An essential activity during the Spring Festival is setting off fireworks and firecrackers. Lighting up the night sky with brilliant colors and loud sounds is believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck.

Another cherished tradition is the exchange of red packets. Children and unmarried adults are given red packets filled with money as a symbol of good fortune, prosperity, and blessings.

Additionally, we visited temples to pray for blessings and good luck for the coming year. It is believed that offering incense and making wishes in front of deities can bring health, wealth, and prosperity.

Overall, the Spring Festival is a time filled with joy, love, and cultural customs. It is a time for family reunions, feasts, decorations, and wishes for a prosperous year ahead.


We are busy preparing for the upcoming Spring Festival. There are several important things to do before this festive occasion.

To begin with, purchasing new clothes is a common tradition. It is believed that wearing new clothes during the Spring Festival will bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

Moreover, cleaning the house thoroughly is essential. It represents the act of getting rid of bad luck and making room for the arrival of good luck and fortune.

Additionally, we need to buy gifts and red packets. In Chinese culture, it is customary to give red packets containing money as a symbol of blessings and good wishes. These red packets are usually given to children and unmarried adults.

Furthermore, preparing traditional foods is a significant part of the Spring Festival. Dumplings, fish, and rice cakes are some of the must-have dishes for the festive feast, as they symbolize prosperity, reunion, and good luck.

Lastly, decorating the house with red lanterns, couplets, and various auspicious ornaments is a joyous task. These decorations bring a festive and lively atmosphere to the home, ensuring a joyful celebration.

春节前人们做哪些活动用英语表示 - BYXsmyBObL1 的回答 - 懂得

The question translates to: \"What will people always do before Spring Festival?\"

Before the Spring Festival, people engage in various activities to prepare for the celebration.

One common activity is thorough cleaning. People clean their homes to remove any negative energy and make way for good luck and fortune in the coming year.

Another important activity is shopping. People buy new clothes and decorations to create a festive atmosphere and symbolize new beginnings.

In addition, people prepare traditional foods. They make dumplings, rice cakes, and other delicacies to enjoy during the festival and share with family and friends.

Moreover, people exchange red packets containing money as a gesture of good wishes and blessings. The red color symbolizes good luck and helps ward off evil spirits.

These activities, along with many others, contribute to the excitement and anticipation of the upcoming Spring Festival.


Before the Spring Festival, there are several essential things to do:

1. Clean the room: This is known as \"大扫除\" (da sao chu) in Chinese, and it is believed to remove bad luck and make way for good fortune.

2. Buy new clothes: Wearing new clothes symbolizes a fresh start and brings good luck and fortune throughout the year.

3. Make a new year plan: Setting goals and making plans for the upcoming year is a common practice to ensure a successful and fulfilling year ahead.

By completing these tasks, people can fully prepare themselves for the joyous celebration of the Spring Festival.


Before the New Year, there are several things I would do to prepare for the festivities.

Firstly, I would go shopping to buy new clothes. New clothes are seen as a symbol of renewal, and wearing them during the New Year brings good luck and fortune.

Next, I would purchase flowers to decorate my house. Flowers, such as peach blossoms and chrysanthemums, represent beauty and good fortune. They create a vibrant and auspicious atmosphere.

Furthermore, I would clean my house thoroughly. This tradition, known as \"大扫除\" (da sao chu), helps to remove any bad luck and negative energy, making way for a fresh start in the New Year.

Lastly, I would go to the movies with my parents. It is a common way to relax and spend quality time with family during the holiday season.

Overall, I hope to receive a lot of red packets, enjoy the festive foods, and have a joyful and prosperous New Year.


The Spring Festival is a busy time for people as they engage in various preparations:

1. Cleaning the house thoroughly: Known as \"大扫除\" (da sao chu), this activity involves cleaning every nook and cranny of the house, removing any dust or negative energy to welcome the new year.

2. Buying festival groceries: People stock up on food and drinks to ensure an abundant feast during the Spring Festival. This includes purchasing ingredients for traditional dishes like dumplings and fish.

3. Shopping for new clothes: It is customary to buy new clothes for the Spring Festival to represent new beginnings and fresh starts.

These preparations contribute to the excitement and anticipation of the approaching Spring Festival, ensuring a joyful and prosperous celebration.


The question translates to: \"What about you?\"

Before the arrival of the Spring Festival, I have several plans:

Firstly, I will go shopping to buy new clothes. It is customary to wear new clothes during the Spring Festival to bring good luck and fortune for the new year.

Next, I will buy some flowers and clean my house thoroughly. Flowers symbolize beauty and good fortune, and cleaning the house helps remove any negative energy and make way for positive vibes.

I will also go to the movies with my parents. It is a fun and relaxing activity to enjoy some quality family time during the holiday season.

Lastly, I hope to receive a lot of red packets. Red packets contain money and are given as gifts during the Spring Festival. It is believed to bring happiness and blessings for the year ahead.

Overall, I look forward to a joyful and prosperous Spring Festival with my loved ones.


The festival day is traditionally held on the last day of the lunar calendar, which usually falls in late January or February.

Before the festival day, there are several important activities:

1. Cleaning our home: We thoroughly clean our house to remove any bad luck and welcome good fortune for the upcoming year.

2. Buying new clothes: Wearing new clothes symbolizes a fresh start and brings good luck throughout the year. It is a traditional custom to buy new clothes for the Spring Festival.

3. Making festive decorations: We decorate our home with red lanterns, couplets, and paper-cuttings to create a joyful and auspicious atmosphere.

During the Spring Festival, the celebrations include family reunions, feasting on traditional food, setting off fireworks, exchanging red packets, and visiting temples to pray for blessings.


1. The Spring Festival is known as Chinese New Year and is usually celebrated in January or February.

2. A few days before the Spring Festival, people are busy with preparations. They clean their houses thoroughly, purchase festive food and drinks, and buy new clothes to wear during the celebrations.

3. During the Spring Festival, families gather for a reunion dinner, set off fireworks, exchange red packets, and enjoy traditional foods like dumplings and rice cakes. Additionally, they visit temples to pray for good luck and blessings for the new year.